Ginger Root Tea by Nancy Addison

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
On Thanksgiving, many of us overindulge and eat just a little too much or eat foods that may not agree with us. One thing I like to have if I am feeling a little full or have any kind of indigestion is to drink some fresh ginger root tea.
Here is the recipe from my book:
Raw recipe
Ginger Tea
One of my favorite teas that is great for the immune system, digestive
system, and circulatory system is ginger tea. This can be especially good
for anyone having digestive issues. You can buy ginger root at the grocery
store, usually by the root vegetables or mushrooms. The skin should
be smooth and tight, not wrinkly. The root should be firm. You can buy
pieces of the root in all different sizes. Keep it in a cool, dry, dark place.
1-inch-piece fresh ginger root
2 c. or more of hot water
stevia or raw honey to sweeten (optional)
1. Grate or thinly slice ginger root.
2. Pour warm or hot water over it and steep about 5 minutes.
3. Strain.
4. Add a few drops stevia or honey, if using.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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