Survival Guide to the Holidays! by Nancy Addison

With the holidays upon us, here are my top 7 tips to having more energy, staying well and feeling good; so you can enjoy the holidays with your family and friends!

1. Stay hydrated! Even though they are liquid, sodas and coffee are not hydrating. So, drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Hydration is a major factor in staying well and healthy!
2. Juice half an organic lemon or lime and add to a glass of warm purified water. Drink this first thing in the morning before anything else goes into your stomach. This will help cleanse your organs, give you a vitamin C boost and help alkalize your system.
3. Make your healthy breakfast and/or lunch your largest meals of the day. You need this to give your body sustainable energy throughout the day.
4. Eat healthy fats. Fats are good for you in the right form, quality and quantity. These “good fats” will actually give you more energy, help you lose weight, fight inflammation and support your brain function.
5. Exercise at least 50 minutes 3 times a week. This helps you get oxygen flowing throughout your body and cuts down on stress.
6. Take time for yourself. Take a long hot bath, a walk, a nap, a massage or manicure. Even if it is just for 15 minutes, nurture yourself, breathe deeply, and think of peaceful thoughts. Play some uplifting music. It is amazing how rejuvenating this can be!
7. Volunteer. There is no better way to invigorate your life than to do something in a volunteer way. No matter how low things seem to be, when you volunteer, it puts everything into perspective and can empower you! It is a great activity to do as a family or a group. There are so many worthy groups out there that could use some help. If you are lonely, it is a great way to get out, meet some new friends and have some fun. When we give, we always get much more back in return.

Remember, if you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of others. So, be patient and kind to yourself during the holidays.
I wish you and yours a merry holiday season! Love, Nancy
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