New Year’s Traditions With Black-Eyed-Pea Recipe (Gluten-free & Vegan)

A New Year's Eve Traditional Vegan, Gluten-free dish, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

New Year’s Day is here, and many of us will be having a traditional meal that is meant to bring us good luck. I feel like all of us worldwide could use a big helping of that at the moment. I’m from Texas, and on New Year’s Day, we ALWAYS serve black-eyed peas with our […]

Vegetarian Nutrition And Healthy Eating Plan For The New Year

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses vitamins, nutrients, and foods necessary for healing and optimum health.

It is a new year, and some of us think it is a good time to get healthier after our holiday food indulgences. Many of my clients, friends and children’s friends have tried to become healthier and lose weight, only to find they would gain weight quickly after they stopped their new fad diets. They […]

Lighten Up This New Year

Lighten Up This New Year Get a fresh start this January. Do you hear your inner voice saying “It’s the New Year, I want a better life! Time to get a new start! So, stop wasting time doing the same old stuff.” It is such a challenge not to over-indulge during the holidays, and all […]