Plants Have A Powerful Impact On Our Health And Well-being

Dental Health - Toothpastes, Mouthwashes, & Tooth Whitening, by Nancy addison, nutritionist

Fall is here and winter is just around the corner. At this time of year, we tend to spend much more time indoors. We aren’t outside as much and around the gardens or plants in our yard or park. Having plants, going for a walk in the park, or even looking at a landscape poster […]

Could Food Additives And Dyes Be Causing Your Child’s ADHD Or Hyperactivity?

Could Food Additives And Dyes Be Causing Your Child's ADHD Or Hyperactivity?

As we get back to school or work after the summer break, I thought I’d touch on something that affects us all, if we are eating any kind of processed food. It would be helpful to be aware of this whenever you are purchasing any snacks or meals from a fast food restaurant, or buying […]

Healthy Snacks For Nursing Mom’s And Tot’s

Healthy Snacks For Nursing Mom’s And Tot’s, Nancy Addison's book, Raising Healthy Children goes into detail about recipes, nutrition and remedies for children.

Eating a well balanced diet is always a good choice for new moms. But many new moms wonder how breastfeeding will affect their child and their diet. You probably don’t need to make any major changes to what you eat or drink when you’re nursing, though there are a few important considerations to keep in […]

Water – The Elixir Of Life!

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses the best types of water to drink fo rour health.

Water is the elixir of life! Water is a key ingredient for our health and well-being because our bodies are 66–72% water. Blood uses water to transport oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies to all parts of the body. In this article I’m going t expand on the best waters for your health, as well as details […]

The Importance Of Physical Closeness And Love

Nancy addison, discusses how important connection and closeness is, but also doing what you feel is important to your heart.rescuing hug,

As Valentine’s Day draws near, I am reminded of a story that I read in 1995 about twin baby girls. When they were born on October 17, 1995, they were premature by 12 weeks and were put in the neonatal intensive care unit of the Medical Center in Central Massachusetts in Worcester. As a standard […]

Food For The Soul Retreat

Food For The Soul Retreat April 6- 13th, 2016 (sold out); July 28 – Aug. 4; Aug. 7 – Aug. 14; Nov. 13 – Nov 20, 2016.   A Certificate Of Basic Intensive In Healthy Food Cuisine is given to all participants when you come and attend my classes on preparing healthy food at the […]

Safe Body Care Products For You And Your Baby

Healthy body care for you and your family, explained by nancy addison, nutritionist. She tells what are her favorite organic healthy body care products.

One day when my children were small, I read about how the innocent Minnie Mouse Bubble Bath I’d just bathed my children in could cause blindness. I was so alarmed. So I started researching and reading ingredients on everything. How could the U.S. government allow toxin and carcinogenic ingredients in our toothpaste, bubble bath, shampoos, […]

Healthy Lifestyle And Nutrition Tips For Surviving The Holidays

Creating Healthier Holiday Food And Handling Stress, Nancy Addison, Organic healthy life

The Holidays are upon us and we can get caught up in a whirlwind of activities, dinners and cocktail parties. You may encounter holiday treats at work or at home, brought to you by a kind neighbor or friend. Every event may seem like an excuse to splurge, but the consequences of overindulgence in food […]

Artificial Sweetener, Aspartame – Is It Good Or Bad?

aspertame, is it good for you or bad, Nancy addison, nutritionist, discusses the facts about artificial sweeteners and how they can afffect your health.

Sugar is also a key ingredient in numerous traditional holiday foods, and the holidays are just around the corner!Many of us want to keep the sugar down to a minimum and also keep our waistlines at a manageable size.As a result, many folks are using synthetic sweeteners to sweeten their drinks due to the impression it […]

Bees and Butterflies Make Our Lives More Beautiful And So Much Healthier

Nancy addison discusses her petition to ban cheicals that are killiing bees, butterflies and destroying the environment.

While I was outdoors walking in the fresh air and sunshine this morning, I was thinking about how much I love all of our wonderful plants, bees, and butterflies. Then I thought about the roses that people are planting now, (called “knock out roses”) that have NO nectar, and thus are starving our precious pollinators […]