Weeds, Dandelions and Your Health!

It’s spring and our yards and gardens are sprouting fourth with life! So, what is the big deal about weeds?

One person’s weed is another person’s treasured herb.

A weed is simply a plant that is not meant to grow in a certain landscape.



But really, the rainforest is one big group of weeds (plants) that are superfoods!

We need to change how we look at our garden and our health. It is all a matter of perspective. I probably drive my yardman crazy, because I tell him not to cut down my dandelions and other plants that are growing wild around my yard.  I let all of my plants go to seed.  This means they keep growing until they produce seeds.  I let nature take its course, and I have gardens growing all over my yard….an arugula here and a swiss chard plant there. It is fun, and I love seeing where my salad will pop up! I love the wildness of it!

Well, I hear about everyone trying desperately to kill their weeds. Dandelions are apparently one of the ones they target. I know Monsanto has had an advertising blitz, and round-up weed killer has been developed just to stamp out the plant.

Well, in my garden, the dandelion is one of my most treasured plants. I make tea from it, I juice it with my cucumbers and celery, and I also put it in my salads. I noticed the other day that it is right next to the spinach at Whole Foods Market.  Dandelion is one of the most healthful plants around! With the high cost of food, you have a very easy-to-grow, inexpensive superfood right in your very own back yard. I use organic, non-toxic gardening supplies from Arbico Organics.

Let me explain why dandelions are so wonderful.

Europeans have used them for centuries in their salads, teas, and food. Dandelions have been known for helping with digestion and liver function. Also, people who have any kind of gall bladder issue, or who have trouble producing enough bile for the digestion of food would really benefit from drinking dandelion tea or consuming more dandelion greens. They help in so many wonderfully amazing ways, so why are people killing them instead of eating them?

 Stop killing your healthy salad in your yard…go organic and harvest your weeds! Dandelions…I love them!

To watch my video on Organic Gardening click here!

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By Nancy Addison CHC, AADP
Nancy Addison is a certified health counselor, nutritionist, chef, as well as a certified practitioner of Psychosomatic Therapy. She teaches people about living a healthier, happier life through nutrition and lifestyle. She has appeared on NBC, Fox, CBS, and in documentaries (one example- “Eating You Alive”). You can reach her on her website, Organic Healthy Life, or find more easy, healthy recipes in Nancy’s award-winning books, which are half cookbook. Here is her author page on Amazon. Author.to/nancyaddison
The information from Nancy Addison and Organic Healthy Lifestyle LLC is not offered for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease or disorder nor have any statements herein been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We strongly encourage you to discuss topics of concern with your health care provider.
Medical Disclaimer:Information provided in this article, book, podcast, website, email, etc. is for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by Nancy Addison CHC, AADP. However, this information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.

4 thoughts on “Weeds, Dandelions and Your Health!

  1. Junia Gibbons says:

    Thank you for writing this informative blog. I am very much against weed killers which then goes right into the gutters & on into streams & rivers. Surely that can’t be good for the fish. I have also felt these weed killers kill our beautiful wild flowers which are so important for the bee and butterfly population.

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